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Friday, September 27, 2013

Xavi's Birth story

Now I go onto Xavi's birth story.  Just as Sophie every year he loves to listen to it and hear the story over and over. Now he will be able to read it too.

Right around when Sophia was 2 or 2 1/2 years old I toyed with the idea of another baby.  It took me a while to convince my husband and this time around the pregnancy came easy.  But unfortunately to end up in a miscarriage at 8 weeks.  I felt sad and empty after that.  Soon after I had another miscarriage only to feel worse, depressed and discouraged.   One year later, Xavi's pregnancy came along.

I felt on cloud nine, happy and excited we received the news.  I was 34 at the time and 35 when he was born.  The pregnancy went well except for a few minor setbacks.  I was around 4 months pregnant when I got a terrible urinary track infection and  horrible pain on my back.  My husband and I went to a concert to see my favorite singer of all times the icon of Latin America the legend Luis Miguel   My husband had promised me that before he died he would take me to see him and he he did!  Luis Miguel really was born to sing, his voice transports you to a subliminal love.  He is the greatest of all time, I practically grew up listening to his songs he is one year older than me, he started singing professionally when he was only 11.  Ok back to the post...I really could have had a better time because I was not comfortable at all.  I had to sit to deal with the back pain while everybody enjoyed the concert  

Thanks Xavi I really appreciated that :/

Another setback that bummed me out a lot and I really mean a lot was a broken tooth.  I was biting on something and one piece of one of my molars broke off!  Luckily I had no pain and could wait till after Xavi was born to get a crown on my tooth. 

What else?  let me see, oh yeah!  I spent the  last trimester on the couch swollen and with my feet up since it was the end of a heated Summer and was feeling like a watermelon!

One September morning I woke up around 3:00 am to go the bathroom and felt a small pain on the back.  That little pain got me thinking.  I instantly thought "This might be it" I didn't go back to bed but rather stayed on the couch and watched TV.  By 5:00 am when my husband woke up I told him to be ready because I might go into labor.  I also told my mom to be ready.  They both headed to work.  Not long after I suddenly felt my panties slightly wet.  I called the hospital and they told me that my water had broken, to take a warm shower and come to the hospital.  So I called my husband to come back.  I called my sister telling her that we were going to drop off Sophie (4 yrs old at the time) and that she should go get my mom.  I remember walking up the stairs to the apartment where she lived a the time and the contractions had intensified.  Lucky for us we hit rush hour morning traffic yay! (Do you sense any sarcasm here?)  Everybody rushing to go to work and I'm rushing to have a baby.  I remember the contractions were closer and more painful every time.  It felt like I needed to go #2 like something was ready to come out!  that something was Xavi of course.  Now all of these feelings were new to me because Sophie's birth was totally different!  I vividly remember sitting in the truck and using my arms to lean on the arm rest and the door to lift my body till the contraction passed.

We got to the parking lot.  My husband dropped me off right at the entrance while he found a parking space.  I started walking the hospital entrance.  This nice nurse came up to me tapped my arm and directed me "3rd floor honey"  What?? how did she know I was in labor? did I look so bad?  that is one thing I will never forget!  Was I in such a bad shape?  So I took the elevator got to my "final destination" labor and delivery with my Drivers License in hand and the first words that came out of my mouth were "I am here to have a baby"  Well, said the nurse we'll see...I was sure!! I was really! So she checked me in.

They put me in a room to wait by the time they came and checked me I was sitting in a pool of amniotic fluid and 7 centimeters dilated!  Wow you are ready!  said the RN now they believe ah?? My husband was desperately trying to get a hold of my mom and my sister.

So they quickly put me in a  delivery room, I asked for the epidural right away.  While I was sitting on the bed a nurse was asking stupid questions such as did you have anything for breakfast this morning? meanwhile the anesthesiologist was trying to poke my back with the needle. The contractions were stronger and stongrer I could not concentrate on anything  The nurse asked me do you need to push?  yeah I said and I burst out in tears like a baby.  They quickly had me laid on my back. I told my husband he could go outside if he wanted to remember the dad that leaves?? 

But the poor thing stayed and endured the whole thing.  At this point I don't know if it was harder for me or him.  It didn't take many pushes and Xavi certainly came out before the epidural kicked in.   Xavi was born on September 27, 2006 at 10:34 am my mom made it just before the last push before he was born. 

The entire thing happened in a jiffy.  The whole hospital ordeal was about 1 1/2 to 2 hours tops.  Things weren't any easier the second time around but we survived as well.  The first time we brought Xavi home I remember laying in bed Xavi by my side and Sophie by my other side.  I had this overwhelming feeling of happiness and contentment. I felt fulfilled and full of joy nothing could have made happier.

 That was exactly seven years ago. 

Today is his Birthday!
Happy Birthday my son!  #loverboy...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dwelling Places in September Week 4

 It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.  
~Author Unknown

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Morning Laughs and...# loverboy?

So Xavi has made me nervous talking about girls before and he 
also has stated to us his rules to relationships
During the summer he asked me "mom what if Taylor is not in my class next year?  How am I going to find her when I want to ask her to marry me?"   Taylor ended up in another class and Xavi and her are still friends and play together at lunch time and during P.E.

He put together some notes for Taylor and I made a slide show,
 he never gave her the notes... I kept all of these, these are too precious and I will get them out in the future to embarrass him.

This video is 29 seconds when you click on it another window opens and it says not found, ignore it the slide show plays on this same page.  ugghh!  I hate that I need to fix it but I don't know how

But he has a new crush (I wonder if Taylor knows and how she feels about this), this time is Diana she is Sophia's friend from Middle School, so he's known her for a at least four years now and she is 11 :/  This is a note he wrote to Diana:

At least he's learned to write a proper letter date, greeting, body, closing and signature!  That should make me happy. 
I think I will start tagging Xavi as #loverboy 
and also work a little bit harder on his spelling.

Monday, September 23, 2013

A mothers gotta do what a mothers gotta do

As a stay home mom I have to deal with different many things on an everyday basis.   The other day I saw on the news that Kohls is hiring 50 000 new employees for this coming shopping season.  I mentioned it to my husband and he told me go ahead might as well get yourself a full time job, we're going to like the money!  What?? that was not the answer I was expecting.  You see he was giving me the guilt trip (my mom used to do that and I hated it) as macho as this might seem he wants a woman at the house taking care of the children and the house and I want that too.  This has worked for us for 14 years.  I tried going back to work when Sophie was a toddler but it wasn't really what I wanted. I won't deny that I have those days when I feel underestimated, when the house is a mess, the kids don't listen and won't eat my food.  But fortunately there are also the good days.  For example when I go to a school and see my kids receive an award when the house is squeaky clean even for a few hours!  I truly have a lot of respect for those women that have a full time job and also take care of the house and children. Hard work that is.   

The other day I got a card on my Birthday that says how much I make our family special and that I've touched their lives.  I also loved the stick family they drew and the fact that they went back and drew some curls on me (Xavi 's told me over and over that he likes my old hair)  you know Moncy is Sophia right??  Anyways, this card made me feel loved and made me realize even more that my family needs me at home to help them and deal with the pains of growing up.

For example, Valeria will be 18 this coming March and will be out of High School.  Things are getting serious for her now.  She will be going to a community college and eventually transfer to a state university she wants to become a school psychologist.  Even though she is living with her mom at this time my husband and I are staying on top of her in school and job related issues as she wants to find a part time job.   For us that would not be a priority but she certainly wants some independence. 

Now going onto Middle school situations, last Wednesday when I picked out Sophie from school she told me "mom I got in trouble"  what kind of trouble? I promptly asked her.  According to her there are various degrees of trouble from worst to least worst:
OMG! Sophie!!
Ay!  Sophie!
Hmm! Sophie, Sophie...

According to her this was a Hmm! Sophie, Sophie... She had been warned one time already and got caught talking in class.  She had to write 10x this paragraph where she stated what she did wrong and needed a parent signature.  So she did the crime and also did the time.

The following day she got in trouble again.  This time she seemed a bit more preoccupied!  This time it was at during lunch .  She threw and apple at a boy!  OMG! Sophie!!  This certainly deserved the worst degree. According to her the boy threw chicken at her first.  She was caught and taken to the office she would  pick up trash during lunch time the following day.  But since she didn't know the other boy's last name the Assistant Principal didn't do much or brother to find out who the other boy was.  She got a long lecture from me, you know you usual you tell a supervisor first, respect your fellow students to avoid problems, two wrongs don't make a right, the second person always gets caught first, you need to pay for actions, hope you learn the lesson blah blah blah...

The one thing that bothered me a lot was that the other boy was not punished.  So we came home and I told Sophia to immediately find that boy in the school yearbook (as he was in Sophia's school last year)  The following morning I went straight to the principal and I really mean straight as I didn't bother talking to the secretary because she was too busy with another parent.  I explained everything and handed him a post it note with the boys full name, grade and class that he shares with Sophia.  He was like "wow you did the homework didn't you?"  I also wrote my phone number in the back so he would call me once he found the boy and had applied the same punishment.  He did, he called me about 30 minutes after school started and had found the boy and both kids had to pick up trash on the school grounds during lunch.  Sophie told me how she likes having a mama bear! 

My husband had a different approach to the incident.  He told her "So I heard you threw an apple at a boy?  Good for you!  You need to protect yourself, get back at him and stand up for yourself.  Don't let any body throw food at you.  Only next time make sure you don't get caught!  That is his way of thinking, I know it's not the best of a parents reaction but in a way I am glad he teaches survival skills to his daughters and son.

Going into another topic Xavi's school is having a fundraiser profits from this sale will go directly toward programs and materials to benefit the students.  If the students sells 10 items they get to go to a D.J. Glow party just like the one at club penguin  Xavi says.  He is all excited, I am buying two items already.  So if you have a chance and need to do some shopping and would like to help please do so your help would really be appreciated.  If you can't, that is ok too.  I am just a mom advertising and trying to help my son  go to a D.J. party

CAWSTON PTA is having a fundraiser. You can shop online at

West Coast Fundraiser
The school receives profit from the sale and the student will receive prize credits. Enter the student ID below to begin.

Student: Xavi Aguilar
Student ID: caw15088

Thank you for your support.

Last but not least, Lola has a nasty eye infection yeah gunk and all not worthy of a pic...we have an appointment with the vet tomorrow Lola Lola!  $$...

So yeah my family needs me and I am here for them but I also make time for this little blog of mine to write all of these little adventures and maybe one day laugh at them.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

ordinary turns extraordinary


of no special quality or interest


[ik-strawr-dn-er-ee, ek-struh-awr-] 

beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established

This was really a surprise!  I've had this cactus for about two years.  I had no idea it would bloom. 
Diamond Lola wagging her tail.
A nice shade while we wait for Sophia, her school is right across the street from this park.
Beautiful full moon.

Ordinary turns extraordinary...


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dwelling places in September Week 3

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.  
~Jane Austen

Monday, September 16, 2013

Never say never

At this point in my life there are things that I experienced and enjoyed and some others that I didn't enjoy.  I want to share a list of things that I swore never again at one point or another obviously because I tried them and didn't enjoy.
never do highlights  right after one of my miscarriages a few years back my sister wanting to cheer me up convinced me to do highlights.  NOT a good idea!! I hated it.  I looked like an old lady graying.  At the time I didn't have any greys. It was an awful experience, it did the opposite of lifting my spirits and making me feel better. I ended up coloring my hair the next day just to cover it and swore I'd never do it again. 

never drink vodka one time my husband was drinking vodka and orange juice he had one too many drinks and fell asleep (we were at home).  He left his glass more than half way full.  I decided to drink it slowly while watching TV.  I was at home so what could happen right?  Well the next morning I had the worst hangover I puked like I never did before...never again!  That thing is pure poison! For the record I don't drink beer either I hate the taste.

never put acrylics About a year and a half ago I started calling myself a recovering nail biter a tough habit so hard to break. I tried many times before to break it without luck.  When I was younger I tried acrylic nails.  My habit was so bad back then that I bite them too :(  (plastic is hard but I chew them off like a dog chews on a toy) Even though I no longer bite nails I am still positive that I am not wearing acrylics ever again I couldn't do anything with longs nails...

never backup without looking at the rear view mirror about two or  three summers ago I was driving and I  stopped at a stop sign passing the white lines where you are supposed to stop. Then I saw a bicycle coming, so I backed up.  Being a good Samaritan, I wanted to yield right?  BAD MOVE!  I drive a Toyota tundra truck. I didn't look through the rear view mirror and hit a small car  :( wanna hear more? 
 Let's just say the DMV knows about the incident :/

never speed again on a specific street talking about car incidents, last summer I was in San Diego and got a $400 speeding ticket. $400??? Yes, I live in California.  I was going 50 on a 35 mile zone.  Of course I am more careful now on my overall driving, but specially that street, yes that street who's a reminder of an awful and unnecessary waste of money :(  I could have bought a camera with that money.
never kayak again in the open sea For this one you need to know that I am not an outdoors or sporty kind of gal, I do not know how to swim either.  My brother, his wife, my husband and I went on a road trip to Baja, Mexico.  They convinced me to go kayaking with them in the open sea :(  The place is beautiful it's called the Sea of Cortez but I had never been more terrified kayaking!  I literally feared for my life.  There I was in the open sea only to see mountains and land far far away!  Sophia was about a year and a half  at the time and I remember thinking I will never see my baby girl again! Now I laugh but swear never again!

There is also a "never to do list"... for example since I can remember I've had  a  no no rule on skinny jeans or tights until recently.  You see I was at a garage sale a few weeks ago and was checking out some jeans and came across some skinny jeans "Oh no, I don't like skinny jeans" I said and the lady overhead me.  She was a very good sales person as she persuaded me to try them, she said she convinced her mother in law who is 50 yrs old to wear skinny jeans and that I would absolutely positively love them.  I decided to give them a try for $2.00  can't go too wrong.

Guess what I am a believer now!  I liked them, I think they'd be great for fall and winter all warm and tight!  Definitely not for Summer.

I felt just like when I pressure my kids to eat that tomato or new veggie
...they never know if they like it or not until they taste it right??

So who knows maybe one day I will break my "never agains"??

How about you? did you ever say "never again" to something?  Or maybe you have a no no rule?  
I'd love to hear about it.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Featured artist Nicole from Drawings by Nicole

This Sunday I bring to you Nicole from  Drawings by Nicole, check out her creativity and this interview.  Enjoy your Sunday friends and readers.  Today I and the family are in LA and my husband promised us the best pastrami sandwiches...let's see if I can take a picture before I take a bite ah!

1.  Tell us as little or as much as you would like about yourself.
My name is Nicole Sloan, and I am an artist residing in Long Beach, CA.

2. What do you sell?
In my etsy store I sell art prints as well as jewelry.

Marceline The Vampire Queen and Gunther
 3. Why handmade?
I enjoy painting and drawing, and the fact that people connect with me and want to purchase prints is really fun and exciting.

4. Where does your inspiration to create come from and/or your inspiration in life?
I enjoy a lot of pop culture, cartoons and comics. I like to have fun with drawing a painting.

5. Besides creating what else do you do? Do you have a full time job?
I teach Photography at a local Community College, and a tutor art privately.

6. When did you start thinking you were an artist?
When I was really young, probably 5 or 6. I loved to draw. I was only told it wasn't something you could make a living at, so I stopped for a long time. When I started my college career, I studied Photography and now hold a Master's Degree in Fine Art Photography. Going through the MFA program was intensive, and when I graduated I picked up watercolors for fun and it's grown into a modest little business.

Cosmic Owl
7. Who has been most influential in your craft work?
My husband. He is pretty honest. He will walk into my studio and tell me what is working and not working with a drawing.

8. Where would you like to be in five years?
I love to teach, so I hope to be doing that for a long time. But as far as Drawings By Nicole, I would like to continue meeting new friends and fans at local comic cons, keep making stuff I think is fun and cool, and keep a very active Etsy storefront.

9. Is there anything you'd like to try doing that you haven't done?
crafts, sports, life in general?
I have had the extraordinary luck of being able to travel a lot during the last few years, and pick up a few different fun hobbies as well as sports (rock climbing, archery, and -after much coaxing- paddle boarding). I am pretty excited to start a family soon, with my husband of 10 years.

Doctor Who Print
10. Besides online where else do you sell?
I sell in person at Comic Cons, as well on on eBay and the Reddit Gifts Marketplace.

Disney Girls Print
November 1, 2, 3rd - Comikaze, Los Angeles, CA
November 23-24th - Long Beach Comic Con
December 7,8 - Whimsic Alley Holiday Craft Fair, Los Angeles, CA

Ways to contact you:

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Self Portrait challenge and a Birthday

If you know anything about me you probably now that I am a low makeup and low maintenance kind a gal.   I wear my sneackers and flats mostly everyday.  I try to stay low on the radar.  Although once or twice a year I wear my two inch high heels and a little extra make up.   I carry my camera around but hate and avoid pictures of me whenever possible.   I am insecure most of the time.  In case you didn't know and read the above statement
...now you know. 

Remember I made a confession when we were off to summer?  Well back in July Elsie and Emma from A beautiful Mess invited their readers to join on a 30-Day Self-Portrait Challenge.  Wow!!  I thought do I do It?  Do I go for it?  I am not getting any younger or getting rid of these wrinkles.  So I went for it, but haven't shared any on this pics except for one on facebook.  I really don't like the attention.  So if you happen to see this post today consider yourself lucky!

Self portraits do not come easy for me let me tell you.  Lots of deleted pics.  I really mean lots of it!  It feels weird and awkward...very awkward.  The old trick of mirror and camera gets old soon and I certainly hope nobody I know saw me on the streets taking self portraits.  I think Xavi saw me taking a couple of the pictures but didn't ask a thing.  I know other people judge too quickly.

I took these pics mainly in my house, the mirrors, backyard, the park, my mom's house and a couple out on the streets.  There are some pictures that I liked and some others that I don't, the rest I feel like blah!  It's me anyways.  It certainly took me more than 30 days to complete the challenge.  So here we go!  Picture overload of myself


As much as I hate it, please hold your thought on this last picture.  Yes, that's me coloring my grays :/  That is a whole new post coming soon.

By the way, today I turn 21 again.
Maybe this is a Birthday gift for myself?

Happy Birthday to me :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Featured artist ArtElem

Today I bring to you ArtElem.  This is an etsy shop that offers original artwork with a combination of art print page books and acrylic painting.  I love the way she transforms a regular print into a piece of art. Please enjoy the interview and visit ArtElem.  In her own words the artist says:

Cat Print
I create original artwork in mixed media - printing and hand painting . Such things can only be created manually. In my opinion - handmade things are very attractive for many reasons.
I am inspired by life, time, art, nature and books.

Elephants Love
I have a full time job, not only online, but in real life I have orders for works of art.  I never thought of myself as an artist, but knew since childhood that art was a gift I had.  I went to drawing school at age 10. Many years I studied and worked in this specialty. I was engaged in many different kinds art. I like many styles of art - painting - impressionist, graphic arts Beardsley, architecture - Gothic cathedrals, literature - I'm a big fan of the books by Milorad Pavic. 

I would like in the future engage in my favorite activities - create and draw - it makes me happy. I work in a very many art techniques. Now I would like to create art textiles and to find ways and methods that are still unknown to me. And I want to go swimming :) I love this sport. I only sell online, I have orders in real life, most often the objects of decorative arts.

My shop:  ArtElem Studio
@moncy3.com 2009-2016