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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My super hero was born

Five years ago, my little super hero was born...

 There is nothing like a good cake,

 Some goodie bags and a homemade piñata (made by yours truly)

 and family to celebrate his birthday! 

 This past Saturday we celebrated
Captain America's 5th Birthday...AKA Xavi


  1. Happy Birthday! He is really a big Hero, just look at abdominals! :)) It's very great photos, I like colors and the mood... And I love that cake!!! Greetings ;)

  2. Great photos Claudia! You are so creative and fun. I heard it was a wonderful day!

  3. AW! How adorable! Happy (belated) birthday!!! I love the color scheme. I haven't seen Captain America but clearly little Xavi is a fan! xx

  4. Happy Birthday Xavi!!! :) What an amazing birthday party you gave your little Captain America! :) I'm in love with the cake and the decor. Every party we had growing up we always had a pinata and always had such a great time :) How cool that you made this super hero one :) I just love, love, love that last picture - Xavi is too adorable!!! :)

  5. Excellent pictures Claudia! You're therefore innovative as well as enjoyable. We noticed it had been an excellent day time!

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