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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Etsy finds...Families

There are all kinds of families, 
they are all special and unique in their own kind of way.

CUSTOM 3D paper family portrait
Paint your own LG Wood Family

Vintage paper dolls family
Vintage Miniature Dolls
Family Portrait of Bunnies
Vintage Family Group

This is my own family.  
No family is perfect in my opinion.  In mine there is drama now and then, challenges, daily struggles, fights and reconciliations.  

This is my bunch, the one I take care of and pray for everyday.  They're the ones I want to  grow old with and the ones I want to see grow up happy and healthy. 
I really want them to be successful adults 
and start a family of their own.

This picture is about four years old
...time for a new family portrait.

*this blog post was linked as a reference to www.betterhelp.com/advice/

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Featured artist...Jessica from EnchantingStamps

This week I bring to you Jessica from EnchantingStamps.  Her Etsy shop is full of lovely stamping goodies.

1. Tell us as little or as much as you would like about yourself.
My name is Jessica. I am a mom to two sweet little boys, a wife, and a California Bay Area Native. I have lived in the CA Bay Area my whole life, and really appreciate the diversity and beauty available to me here.
I have been creating art and crafts from a very early age. My Great-Grandmother taught me to knit and crochet when I was around the age of 5. I really feel like this laid a foundation of a life long love of creating with my hands.

Flower Pot Rubber Stamp set Hand Carved 
2. What do you sell?
I sell hand-carved rubber stamps. My inspiration for selling stamps came from my desire to learn how to carve and create my own stamps to make block printed clothing. After carving a few stamps I soon realized how much I enjoyed the process, from designing, to carving, to stamping. So, I started selling the stamps I was making and here I am. I also sell Fabric Designs through Spoonflower which have been designed using my stamps: www.spoonflower.com/profiles/jessnicole

3. Why handmade?
For me Handmade goes beyond the item being created. It touches on so many facets of what it means to be human.

Everything I make with my hands carries with it a bit of me, or at least my essence. Selling my handmade creations is a way of connecting with others on a very tangible yet subtle level.
There are so many reasons to create with our hands, give and receive handmade items and sell handmade.

4. Where does your inspiration to create come from and/or your inspiration in life?
My inspiration to create comes from many places. Mostly nature and whatever I am currently interested in. For example, my children recently both had birthdays. I decided to plan a Pirate Themed party for them. I soon become so enthralled with Pirate Paraphernalia that I created a couple sets of Pirate Themed stamps for my shop.

Pirate Rubber Stamp Hand Carved Set
As I mentioned, Nature is a constant inspiration. I try to create stamps of things I find beautiful and interesting in Nature.

5. Besides creating what else do you do? Do you have a full time job?

Sometimes it feels like I have 4 jobs! Being a mother to two boys as well as a wife feels like a couple of jobs right there. I also work part time at my local health food store. I have always been interested in Natural Health and Wellness, so I love working there!

6. When did you start thinking you were an artist?

At a very young age. As I mentioned my Great-Grandmother before teaching me to knit and crochet, I also have a Grandmother who spent much time with me and encouraged my creativity. I feel like she really helped me to feel like an artist early in my life.

Hand Carved Train Stamp Set
7. Who has been most influential in your craft work?
I'd have to give credit to my fellow Etsy sellers. Over the years of selling on Etsy I have been constantly inspired and impressed by the creativity and success many of them have. They have influence my work in many ways.

Hand Carved Full Moon Stamp
8. Where would you like to be in five years?
I'd like to be scouting out my little piece of paradise. A few acres of land for my family and I to start our homestead.

9. Is there anything you'd like to try doing that you haven't done? crafts, sports, life in general?

I have dabbled in so many crafts along the years. And, still take up most of them from time to time. Though I've been meaning to try rug hooking. It'd be fun to have my own handmade rugs to walk on.

10. Besides online where else do you sell?
I sell in a couple of local stores here in the Bay Area. One of them is Sticky Art Lab in Berkeley CA.

Ways to contact you:
Instagram: JessNicole1111 or #enchantingstamps

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Seasons Change Second Edition...Fall Week 5

For a whole year I will try to find the awesomeness 
included in all four seasons
perhaps the weather or a nature shot...
maybe display the Holidays in turn
who knows?
The sky is the limit!

Everything pumpkin nowadays!  
My pumpkin pie with some whipped cream please.

How about you??

On a sad and tragic note:
 Remember that fox I told you before that 
I've seen roaming  the fields nearby?
I've actually seen it more than two or three times before that.
Well, yesterday morning while driving the kids to school, we saw it had been ran over by a car :(
It was just laying there in the middle of the street...very sad indeed.

Can I get more whipped cream...lots of it please :(

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Crochet bug

This is what I've been up to lately...crocheting.  Now I am not a pro and barely learning how to read patterns  but I've had my fun making my own adjustments.

A pair of slippers for me, I ended up not loving the color because one looks pinkish and the other looks greenish, and one button is higher than the other one. Oh well I still like them it's just the color I don't like that much.

A pair of slippers for the kids, they loved them.

As well as a pair for my nieces!

I also been working on a scrap bag, made entirely out of odds and ends bits and pieces of all kinds of yarn left over from various projects.  I kinda color coordinated the colors on this one. I put it up for sale on my etsy shop. I am currently working on another one and can't wait to see how it turns out.

 you can find it here

On my many trips to the various thrift stores I struck gold!  I found a bag full of yarn scraps.  I could not resist to buy it.  I guess the crochet bug as bitten me.

Oh the possibilities!  
Can't wait to get started on a new scrapbag.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Featured artist...Lena form HandyHappyHearts

Hello dear friends and readers this week I bring to you Lena.  Now Lena has three wonderful shops HandyHappyHeartsHandyHappy, HandyHappyTeddy.  She sells many lovely things there such as hearts,  houses, sculptures and teddy bears.  

Thank you for visiting and I hope you are having a nice weekend.

1. Tell us as little or as much as you would like about yourself.
I live and work in Ukraine, Europe and I am marketing analyst, Irish dancer - and multi crafter with life long experience. I did it as long as I can remember: drawing, painting, sewing or knitting. I used to make stuffed toys since when I was maybe 6 or 7 years old and year ago it turned into making collection artist bears. Also I make funny silly paintings with no social meaning - those ones which just make you smile or think of a nice simple moment of your life. I like to work with clay and salt dough, and also to sew little fun stuff - useful or useless. I like the moment when people like something I've made!

#3 Big Heart magnets

2. What do you sell?
Hearts, small houses, funny little sculptures, teddy bears...

3. Why handmade?
I can see and touch what I've spent my time for :-)

Rustic mini heart magnets sachet

4. Where does your inspiration to create come from and/or your inspiration in life?
No idea really. 

5. Besides creating what else do you do? Do you have a full time job?
I'm freelancer marketing analyst and also an Irish dancer. 

6. When did you start thinking you were an artist?
I haven't started yet :-)

7. Who has been most influential in your craft work?
I can't say there was anybody in particular but all the Etsy crafters influenced a lot. 

8. Where would you like to be in five years?
Hmmm... I don't like to tell my plans :-)

Teddy Bear Traveler

9. Is there anything you'd like to try doing that you haven't done? crafts, sports, life in general?
Yes, I'd like to try making artist dolls and do paragliding. 

10. Besides online where else do you sell?
Online only - it's the most comfortable way for me and it lets me sell anywhere.

ways to find you:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Seasons Change Second Edition...Fall Week 4

For a whole year I will try to find the awesomeness 
included in all four seasons
perhaps the weather or a nature shot...
maybe display the Holidays in turn
who knows?
The sky is the limit!

We do not have a fireplace at home, never had one really! but I bet it would be nice.  Sitting by the fireplace, sipping on a cup of hot chocolate on a Friday night, listening to some music or watching a movie with the kids, or a romantic comedy (probably by myself because nobody will want to watch except Sophia...maybe)  Or if it's me and my husband watching it would probably be a zombie movie or something bloody fake he enjoys those!  Those are comedies for him :/
Yes that would be nice. 
I bet people are stocking on fire wood now.

 I love the smell of fireplace smoke in the mornings 
while I ride my bike on the weekends.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cereal Killer

I saw this Cereal Killer spoon this morning on Etsy's front page.  Congratulations to ForSuchATimeDesigns on Front Page by the way.  It instantly put a smile on my face and reminded me of my childhood years.

I wasn't a cereal killer back then, I was actually a cereal saver!  I used to daydream while eating my cereal, that my cereal was drowning and I saved each one of them.  I loved Trix cereal you know the one for kids. So yeah, I saved each one of the colorful passengers. To be the hero I left the babies and children the last ones to be saved. 

Cereal Killer Spoon by ForSuchATimeDesigns

Oh my!  Now that I think about it I was a cereal killer because at the end I ate them right??  lol!!!

Now tell me did you play with your food?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Morning Laughs...Child's creativity

Last week was parent-teacher conferences and I am proud to say that  my kids are doing very good in school.  
I  really cannot complain.  

I help Xavi with his homework daily and can tell that he has no problem grasping math concepts easily. He is also doing well in writing.  He probably does not enjoy it very much because his pencil always breaks, or falls or has no eraser.  
Now Xavi is starting to read and improve on his fluency. His cousin gave him a book about Ninjas just last week. He is all ninja, ninja, ninja, and more ninja.  The book is a higher reading level for him 
 but of course he thinks he can read it,  
he is on page five he said.

Sophia is very responsible and does her work in a timely manner.  I am always on top of her on the issue of no TV, no radio, no ipod while working on homework.  No distractions period.  
She is a tween now therefore tough job :/   
Homework  assignments for her include reading 30 minutes daily.  She is a book worm.   I can often tell when she likes a book 
because she can't put it down.  
At this very moment she is reading two books at the same time.

Now for the morning laugh: 
Why would they use a Lego piece and the plastic wrap from a straw from a caprisun juice when they have lots and lots bookmarks around the house?

Only a child's creativity I suppose. 
Or 'Necessity the mother of all inventions' when you can't find a bookmark.  I just cracked when I saw this, both of my kids.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Seasons Change Second Edition...Fall Week 3

For a whole year I will try to find the awesomeness 
included in all four seasons
perhaps the weather or a nature shot...
maybe display the Holidays in turn
who knows?
The sky is the limit!

 A lot of changes have been going on lately weather wise.  
Trees changing colors and losing their leaves.

 The above two pictures I took on Tuesday, the fiery sun has let it guard down, dropping temperatures.  Finally.

This picture was taken yesterday. Mornings are now cooler, cloudy or foggy.  Amen for that.

Last Sunday while on my morning bike ride, I saw a small fox or a coyote near these fields. Not really sure what it was I don't see them everyday in real life but I am sure it was not a dog.

Rainy Forecast today.  YAY!  Welcome rain.

Remember Xavi's gift on my B-day?  Well it is being shared on the  
gifted blog

I know I have a caring and special son. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Etsy Finds...Say Hola to Etsy in a Fiesta de Cumpleaños

It's the say Hola to Etsy section again!

Today's lesson:  Fiesta de Cumpleaños...Birthday Party

Let's begin shall we?

Feliz Cumpleaños means Happy Birthday.  Banner by theartofhandmade

Un pastel de cumpleaños is a Birthday cake by Cakesbythepound

Globos are party ballons.  Photography by TheLightFantastic

Un regalo de cumpleaños  is a birthday gift and it is a must
Gift wrapping by mandeefranee

I have a question for you today!
How do you say taco in Spanish?

If you have any suggestions for this section let me know in the comment section below
or email me at claudiaaguilar_99@yahoo.com with your ideas!.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Out of luck

My mom and my brother and his family 
were visiting from San Diego this past weekend.  
We had a great time at my sister's house and had some fresh caught fish that my brother brought from his last fishing trip and my mom cooked.  It was simply delicious.  Some Triple chocolate cake for dessert 
and fun conversation made my evening. 
 We were getting ready to go home when someone brought the casino conversation.  Wait did someone say 'casino'??  My sister and my mom offered to babysit with four kids of her own she was the most indicated to stay in her own home with a baby, a toddler, two kids, two preteens and two teenagers!  Poor thing!  
She had my mom by her side, so that what a good thing.  
I heard they had fun while we were gone. 

I really hate hate wasting money on a casino.  Really hate it :(  But I was feeling lucky, or wanted to feel lucky.  We went to Soboba Casino here in Hemet.  I agreed to go if someone lent me $5, well someone did (hoping that I would double the money)  and my husband gave me another $5  So I had a whole $10 Unfortunately it didn't take me long to loose my precious amount. 
I will be honest and tell you that I was tempted to dig
into my wallet and grab a couple of dollar bills.  But thank goodness I came to my senses. 

Yes it's exciting to see those credits go up, and disappointing to see them go down and down until you are left with nothing.  It's crazy how people can get addicted to gambling.  I saw a lot of people playing two slot machines at a time, praying and actually putting their hands over the machine slots as in a praying or healing motion :/  I think if God answered all of our prayers while gambling the casinos would be broke. 

So I lost my $10, my husband started with $15 and came out with $50 at a game table and my brother doubled his $40 at a poker table.  Next time I will give my $10 to either of them, 
they seem to work the magic better than I do.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Featured Artist...Noa from DancingSeeds

This week's featured artist is Noa from DancingSeeds.  She makes lovely mobiles made from nature's treasures!  Please enjoy the interview and her creations.

1.Tell us as little or as much as you would like about yourself.
My name is Noa, I'm a young proud mother of two beautiful daughters, Zohar (3) and Eli (1.5)
My Partner for life Niri is a talented musician and we live in a small village in central Israel. 
Our house is surrounded by fields and every day We walk and collect nature treasures.

Waldorf inspired art mobile

2. What do you sell?
Art doll mobiles/ornaments made from anything natural that can be collected off the ground. I draw inspiration from the Waldorf way of thought.
You can either choose a pre selected model, or the option to tailor design your own characters from choosing the hair color, to the activity that they will do. This is what makes them magical and unique as it visually, almost photographically tells a story and can illustrate a character. 

3. Why handmade?
I believe that all handmade creation are very personal, the creator passes from the heart through the hands into the creation his own truth love and energy. I feel it is a great way to spread the world that I believe in.

4. Where does your inspiration to create come from and/or your inspiration in life?
For as long as I can remember, I have always loved and emerged myself in nature. I'd stray and wonder outdoors discovering natural treasures that exist within our beautiful world. From the fields to the mountains and beyond. I thought, how can I bring the innocent simplicity of the wild into my home environment and simultaneously into my life?. This question inspired me to create.

Waldorf inspired doll mobile mother and baby
5. Besides creating what else do you do? Do you have a full time job?
Quite recently my youngest daughter started going to a child minder.
Against all odds I decided to follow my heart and try to make a living creatively.
Recently opened the Etsy store and I hope for the best!!

6. When did you start thinking you were an artist?
I've always loved working with my hands, at very young age I loved to take old furniture from the warehouse and renew them. In recent years I have worked with semi precious stones, clay , wood and glass which enabled me to create everything from ornaments to tables and pottery. Over the past few years my interest and awareness of the necessity to recycle has grown extensively. I was first exposed to the ecological mobile from a wonderful man who lives in the north of Israel . 
The truth is that only in the last year I started to feel an artist

The Cello Player art doll mobile

7. Who has been most influential in your craft work? 
I draw inspiration from everywhere and everything. I am always watching, observing and dreaming!. Often when I am walking with my kids I Am constantly on the look out for interesting materials
I think the answer is nature.

The flute player
8. Where would you like to be in five years?
Always try to live the moment. When you think about it, traveling the world sound good!

9. Is there anything you'd like to try doing that you haven't done?
Now I'm so enjoying the creation, always working on new things.

10. Besides online where else do you sell?
In my small workshop in my house.

Ways to contact you:

email reis.noa@gmail.com

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Season's Change...Fall Week 2

For a whole year I will to find the awesomeness
included in all four seasons
perhaps the weather or a nature shot...
maybe display the Holidays in turn
who knows?
The sky is the limit!

We had another heat wave starting this week 
Monday and Sunday we were at 110 F
Just last week I told the kids that we needed to start looking for trees changing color, falling leaves...
we're hoping it's soon!

I walked to my truck one morning and saw what appeared to be a leaf on the driveway, definitely fall color but I got closer and saw this firefly?  Not really sure what it is but the color definitely called my attention.  It also reminded me that I need new tires on my truck.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Don't make me Angry!

Angry Bird's was the theme for Xavi's Birthday Party.  
He turned 6 already.  

Not a big party, I like my parties small and fun for the kids.  I made some angry birds masks, I ordered a cake and a party jumper, I made a piñata, and bought lots of candy of course, family and Xavi's friends came over. We ate grilled burgers. I made a backdrop took a bunch of pictures.  

Lots of work...I survived the preparation, the party, the after-party and the cleanup.  Luckily my husband is a clean freak and he helps a lot on the cleanup part.  

Here are a few of my favorite shots.

 my niece


 Xavi's friend

 Xavi's Friend and his brother

 Xavi's sisters

 First Graders

 The whole gang 'silly face time'

 My family ( uggh!  I hate showing teeth)

 My sister's family

 My mom, my sister and me.

Remember this little one she is 6 months already!  Time to start planning her first birthday party!  She was the highlight of the party with her angry bird mask.

Forget about the lighting and the blurriness, 
is the fun that counts.
@moncy3.com 2009-2016