Last week I started writing and I had to save my draft because my husband called me from the hospital. He went to the emergency room because he had a bad pain on his back! Oh my! He works 1 1/2 hrs away from our house he drove himself to the hospital the poor thing! so I got the kids ready and we rushed! He is ok now with painkillers (who wouldn't right!) lol! So I will pick up where I left off last week:
So here I am once again on a Wednesday this time it's me, myself and I. Yes, you know as a mom how hard it is to make time for yourself! We moms traded eyeliner for dark circles, salon cuts for ponytails, long baths for quick showers, late nights for early mornings, pretty bags for diaper bags. You are always needed, your presence needs to be felt in the house, your services, your time... but yet I wouldn't change a thing. Well this time I am making time for myself! Even if it's only in cyberspace...I took the time to browse on Etsy and made a wish list for me. Now let me tell you a little bit about me. Next month I will be 39, age really never matter to me until I turned 37! then it hit me wow I'm almost 40 can't believe that one!...I am married to a wonderful husband and have three kids. I am 5 feet 2 in tall (well I did lie on my DL only by an ich lol) I am proud to say that in 11 years of marriage I have only gained 11 extra pounds. One pound per year I don't think it's that bad. I do have to start on my abdominals. I have God given curls, my hair has always been short and I am trying to let it grow now so wish me luck on that one because I always end up cutting it short again. Now let's go to my wish list this is the fun part!

Isn't this just the loveliest pink summer dress ever! As soon as I saw it I said this is the one I love this one. It is handmade by
tweal plus it's eco friendly ohh I love it some more...
Now I need something to rule my curls. This is the perfect headband! Just wrap it around and I am good to go. It's eco friendly as well. Thanks to
saxiib for such great imagination I neck tie who would have thought??
I am always on the run, and I am always for flats so this one seemed to be the perfect pair. Comfy yet classy I can go grocery shopping or to the bank with this pair by
Do not ever let me forget my purse, without it I would be lost! You know keys, wallet, checkbook, pens, Lego pieces, plastic guns, racer cars, girly journals, hello kitty pens, flower power bracelets (besides taking care of my kids I carry their extra stuff) This lovely Shoulder bag by
ikabags would carry everything and the world may never know it.
Now, I am a low make up kind a girl but I just couldn't resist some of this fantastic Soft Pink Eye Shadow by
Pony Dust Cosmetics I would love some shimmery look on my eyes.
And finally for a finish touch some colored lip gloss by
BLSoaps I read in the items description that this lip tint is even tempting the vampires! Wow!
With this finished look I am off to my daily chores!